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Questions Answered

Natural Stone
Counter Tops

Okay, lets take a look at some issues with natural stone. Please select which issue more closely matches your problem:

Driving rain penetrating through the exterior stone wall affecting the insulation and/or causing damp patches on the internal walls

This is quite a common problem especially if your house is in an exposed area. The issue could be structural i.e. a crack or damage to the material that lets the water penetrate through. In this case we recommend that you click here, fill in your details and we will put you in contact with a specialist that can survey the problem and help to rectify it.

If it is just simply dampness coming through your brick, natural stone or concrete, then the Stone Doctor recommends you use a sealer once the material is clean and dry.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

White patches or streaks on the exterior stone wall / paving

A Stontex cleaner called “Cement Away” will remove efflorescence / lime stains from most materials except limestone, marble or travertine which are acid sensitive. A Hannafin cleaning product called “Eff - Eraza” can also be used on the stone wall or paving.  This is a safe acid designed to remove these stains from acid sensitive materials.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

Mould, green algae and black lichen stains on my patio, stone paving or walls

The Stone Doctor recommends our “Stontex All-In-One Outdoor Cleaner” which is an acid-free cleaner that removes all types of organic stains from natural stone, concrete, tarmacadam and decking.  A 5 litre bottle should be enough to clean an average 30-50 square metre area.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

Oil patch stains on my natural stone patio

The Stone Doctor recommends a product called “STONTEX  OIL SPOT REMOVER” which will remove oil stains from most materials including natural stone, concrete and tarmacadam.  Once your oil stain is removed we recommend that you seal your natural stone.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

Rust / Iron Oxide stains on the surface of my natural stone

Many natural stones have natural iron oxide inherent in them which can sometimes come to the surface and look like a rusty looking stain. Also a rusty tin or nail or similar metallic items can leave a rust stain on the surface of your material. The solution is our cleaner “Stontex Rust Off” which is a unique ph neutral cleaner specifically developed for removing these rust stains on all surfaces including acid sensitive natural stone.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

Sunlight has caused my natural stone to fade over time and I want to bring the colour back

The Stone Doctor recommends to firstly clean the stone with a natural stone cleaner.  If it’s an external area use our “Stontex All In One Outdoor Cleaner” or if it’s an internal area use a “Stontex Heavy Duty Grime Remover”.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

We recommend:

“Stontex Colour Intensifier” will last for several years before you need to re-apply.

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

My natural stone is cracking and pieces are breaking away on the surface

A professional service is required, please click here for more details

Okay, lets take a look at some issues with concrete. Please select which issue more closely matches your problem

Driving rain penetrating through the exterior rendered walls, affecting the insulation and/or causing damp patches on the internal walls

This is quite a common problem especially if your house is in an exposed area. The issue could be structural i.e. a crack or damage to the material that lets the water penetrate through. In this case we recommend that you click here, fill in your details and we will put you in contact with a specialist that can survey the problem and help to rectify it.

If it is just simply dampness coming through your brick, natural stone or concrete, then the Stone Doctor recommends you use a sealer once the material is clean and dry.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

White patches or streaks on the exterior concrete walls.

A Stontex cleaning product called “Cement Away” will remove efflorescence / lime stains from most materials except limestone, marble or travertine which are acid sensitive. A Hannafin cleaning product called “Eff - Eraza” is a non acidic gel designed to safely remove these stains from acid sensitive materials.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

White patches or steaks on exterior concrete paving

A Stontex cleaning product called “STONTEX CEMENT AWAY” will remove efflorescence / lime stains from most materials except limestone, marble or travertine which are acid sensitive. A Hannafin product called Eff - Eraza” a safe acid designed to remove these stains from acid sensitive materials.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

If you have concrete paving bricks or concrete based paving slabs then we recommend our ”STONTEX PAVER PLUS” which is a one coat treatment with a coverage rate of 3 to 6sqm per litre depending on the size of the paver. The smaller the paver the more treatment required as when your paving is treated initially the sand in the joints will soak up a lot of product which is most important with ‘STONTEX PAVER PLUS’ as it not only seals the face of your concrete paving but also binds the jointing sand between the pavers.

NB unlike traditional paving sealers our treatment will not trap moisture in the paving, It binds the sand which inhibits weed growth, provides very good stain resistant properties making your paving easy to clean and keeps it looking its best long into the future. See links to a recommended cleaner.

You can find our step by step application instruction video for ‘STONTEX PAVER PLUS’  here

Mould, green algae and black lichen stains on my rendered walls

The Stone Doctor recommends our “Green to Clean” which is an acid-free cleaner that removes all types of organic stains from natural stone, concrete, tarmacadam and decking.  A 5 litre bottle should be enough to clean an average of 30-50 metre squared area.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

Mould, green algae and black lichen stains on my concrete paving

The Stone Doctor recommends our “STONTEX ALL IN ONE OUTDOOR CLEANER” which is an acid-free cleaner that removes all types of organic stains from natural stone, concrete, tarmacadam and decking.  A 5 litre bottle should be enough to clean an average of 30-50 metre squared area.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry

If you have concrete paving bricks or concrete based paving slabs then we recommend our ”STONTEX PAVER PLUS” which is a one coat treatment with a coverage rate of 3 to 6sqm per litre depending on the size of the paver. The smaller the paver the more treatment required as when your paving is treated initially the sand in the joints will soak up a lot of product which is most important with ‘STONTEX PAVER PLUS’ as it not only seals the face of your concrete paving but also binds the jointing sand between the pavers.

NB unlike traditional paving sealers our treatment will not trap moisture in the paving, It binds the sand which inhibits weed growth, provides very good stain resistant properties making your paving easy to clean and keeps it looking its best long into the future.

You can find our step by step application instruction video for ‘STONTEX PAVER PLUS’  here

Rust / Iron Oxide stains on the surface of my concrete

Many natural stones have natural iron oxide inherent in them which can sometimes come to the surface and look like a rusty looking stain. Also a rusty tin or nail or similar metallic items can leave a rust stain on the surface of your material. The solution is our cleaner “STONETEX RUST OFF” which is a unique ph neutral cleaner specifically developed for removing these rust stains on all surfaces including acid sensitive natural stone.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

If you have concrete paving bricks or concrete based paving slabs then we recommend our ”STONTEX PAVER PLUS” which is a one coat treatment with a coverage rate of 3 to 6sqm per litre depending on the size of the paver. The smaller the paver the more treatment required as when your paving is treated initially the sand in the joints will soak up a lot of product which is most important with ‘STONTEX PAVER PLUS’ as it not only seals the face of your concrete paving but also binds the jointing sand between the pavers.

NB unlike traditional paving sealers our treatment will not trap moisture in the paving, binds the sand which inhibits weed growth, provides very good stain resistant properties making your paving easy to clean and keeps it looking its best long into the future.

You can find our step by step application instruction video for ‘STONTEX PAVER PLUS’  here

Oil patches on my concrete paving

The Stone Doctor recommends a  product called “STONTEX OIL SPOT REMOVER” which will remove oil stains from most materials including natural stone, concrete and tarmacadam.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

If you have concrete paving bricks or concrete based paving slabs then we recommend our ”STONTEX PAVER PLUS” which is a one coat treatment with a coverage rate of 3 to 6sqm per litre depending on the size of the paver. The smaller the paver the more treatment required as when your paving is treated initially the sand in the joints will soak up a lot of product which is most important with ‘STONTEX PAVER PLUS’ as it not only seals the face of your concrete paving but also binds the jointing sand between the pavers.

NB unlike traditional paving sealers our treatment will not trap moisture in the paving, binds the sand which inhibits weed growth, provides very good stain resistant properties making your paving easy to clean and keeps it looking its best long into the future. See links to a recommended cleaner.

You can find our step by step application instruction video for ‘STONTEX PAVER PLUS’  here

Okay, lets take a look at some issues with tiles.  Please select which issue more closely matches your problem:

Greasy food stains on my floor / wall tiles

To remove these type of stains we recommend a Stontex tile cleaner called “Heavy Duty Grime Remover”. This is an acid-free cleaner which can be safely used on all tile surfaces including natural stone tiles.

Once your material is clean and dry the Stone Doctor recommends that you seal your tiles, the only exception to this is if you have ceramic tiles and some porcelain tiles which don’t need to be sealed.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

Paint or solvent stains on my floor / wall tiles

To remove paint or solvent stains the Stone Doctors recommends  “Stontex Power Stripper Plus” which can be used on all tile surfaces including natural stone.

Once your material is clean the Stone Doctor recommends that you seal your tiles, the only exception to this is if you have ceramic tiles and some porcelain tiles which don’t need to be sealed.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

My grout joints are impossible to keep clean on floors / walls

The Stone Doctor recommends a Stontex tile grout cleaner called “Grout2New Pre Treat Cleaner” which can be safely used to clean grout joints.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

We then recommend that your grout joints should be sealed with our “Stontex Grout 2 New” which comes in different colours.  This product is unique as it will not just put the colour back into your existing grout lines but seals them as well making ongoing maintenance much easier. Also if you wish to change the current colour of your grout lines then it is the perfect no fuss product to use. The coverage rate is 30 square metres per bottle.

My natural stone floor tiles have holes / cracks appearing

A professional service is required, please click here to access an accredited contractor.

Rust / Iron Oxide stains on the surface of my tiles.

Many natural stones have natural iron oxide inherent in them which can sometimes come to the surface and look like a rusty looking stain. Also a rusty tin or nail or similar metallic items can leave a rust stain on the surface of your material. The solution is our cleaner “Stontex Rust Off” which is a unique ph neutral cleaner specifically developed for removing these rust stains on all surfaces including acid sensitive natural stone.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

My tiles have a white residue that keeps reappearing once washed surface is dry.

This is a common problem which is called grout haze.  This happens when the residual grout has not been fully removed from the tile and has now hardened on the surface. For a ceramic or porcelain tile we recommend our cleaner  “Cement Away” to remove this residue.  However, if you have a natural stone tile we recommend a Hannafin stone cleaner called “Eff Erayza” which is a safe acid to remove this grout haze from even acid sensitive natural stone tiles.

The Stone Doctor recommends that natural stone and some porcelain tiles should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

I want to bring back the original polished finish on my natural stone tiles.

A professional service is required, please click here to access an accredited contractor.

I have dull / dead patches on my natural stone tiles.

A professional service is required, please click here to access an accredited contractor.

Okay, lets take a look at some issues with counter tops. Please select which issue more closely matches your problem:

Oil / grease stains on my natural stone worktop surface.

This is a very common problem on natural stone countertops.  If your counter top is sealed with a premium sealer this should not be an issue, however sometimes if oily products are left for a long period of time on even a sealed surface this staining can occur. 

The Stone Doctor recommends “Oxy Klenza” which can be easily applied to the stain. Leave for a minimum of 12 hours and then wash off thoroughly with warm water.  This process can be repeated until your stain is completely removed.

NB - Do not be alarmed if the stain has darkened after you have washed the residue off.  It can take 24-72 hours for the cleaner to evaporate from your worktop. After this time you will see that either the original oil stain is completely gone, or that there are still traces of oil left on the area. If this is the case you will need to repeat the process until the oil stain is fully removed.

We recommend our premium “Dry Treat Stain Proof” sealer for sealing the countertop afterwards. As an ongoing maintenance cleaner we recommend “Rejuvenator Spray” which will enhance the protection and polish of your countertop long into the future.

Cracks / chips on my natural stone worktop surface.

A professional service is required, please click here to speak to an expert.

Polished finish on my natural stone worktop surface has faded over time.

We recommend our Stontex natural stone cleaner called  “Rejuvenator Spray” for ongoing regular maintenance of natural stone and quartz countertops.

This spray is food contact safe, streak-free and has a fresh lemon scent.  It also contains a polishing agent and a hint of diluted sealer to keep countertops looking their best long into the future.

Okay, lets take a look at some issues with bricks. Please select which issue more closely matches your problem:

Driving rain penetrating through the exterior brick wall affecting the insulation and/or causing damp patches on the internal walls.

This is quite a common problem especially if your house is in an exposed area. The issue could be structural i.e. a crack or damage to the material that lets the water penetrate through. In this case we recommend that you click here, fill in your details and we will put you in contact with a specialist that can survey the problem and help to rectify it.

If it is just simply dampness coming through your brick, natural stone or concrete, then the Stone Doctor recommends you use a sealer once the material is clean and dry.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

White patches or streaks on the exterior brick walls.

A Stontex cleaner called “Cement Away” will remove efflorescence / lime stains from most materials except limestone, marble or travertine which are acid sensitive. A Hannafin cleaning product called “Eff - Erayza” can also be used on the stone wall or paving.  This is a non acidic gel designed to safely remove these stains from acid sensitive materials.

The Stone Doctor recommends that all natural stone, concrete and brick should be sealed once the material is clean and dry.

You have two choices:

To work out how much sealer you will need please see our Coverage Rates.

My brick is cracking and pieces are breaking away on the surface.

A professional service is required, please click here for professional advice.




Stonetec Distribution LTD, C/O TPN
Unit 3, Orion Business Park
Dublin 15